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Good and Evil: God and Devil

three little conversations with superior forces
a sonata in prose


Allegro barbaro

They were sitting in the grass in front of the house discussing the recent events of their village. It was a hot day and it was very nice to sit under a shady tree after a hard day’s work. They were two robust and severe labourers, who would rarely wonder about anything, however, there was something to strike the imagination that day. The priest showed up for a vespers mess with a disfigured face, only one eye left. There was a rumor around the place that the devil himself had bet with the priest that he would manage to trespass the territory of the abbey and that he would tear out the priest’s eye for that. The gossip also said the priest had completely lost.
They have not noticed a stranger approach them. He said he was passing through their village and going uphill and then to a big city hidden behind forests, lakes and mountains. So, he wanted to ask for the way.
“No”, the first villager said, as if continuing the conversation started earlier, “it is impossible. Neither devil nor human is capable of such an action.”
“Of course not”, agreed the second one in a much calmer voice.
“What is impossible?” asked the stranger having heard the last words of the dialogue.
Reluctantly, they told him the news. The stranger returned with a scarcely visible smile:
“Oh yes? Are you really sure no human can?”
“I bet it is impossible”, answered the second in a persuaded tone.
“My, I assure you there is nothing impossible in this world, but you’d better not try that. No use betting with the devil.”
“What do you want to bet?” asked the first boldly.
“Well, what about the fingers of your right hand?”
The villagers laughed, the stranger remained silent and erect.
“Don’t you be fool, man”, they replied through a hysterical laughter.
“Let’s go into the house, then.”
The next day the first villager was found consciousless in the backyard of his house, the five fingers of his right hand cut off. He had a large bleeding hole instead of the left eye. No one has ever seen the stranger since that time again. The priest was strangled the following day.
Neither of the mysteries could be discovered.



He might have been the first man on Earth to catch this wonderful idea. He did not, however, know where and how to start, but he positively knew he would succeed. He would count the overall worth of the planet. He would ask God to buy this world from him.
How much he would ask, he did not know yet, at any rate, he was hoping to get what he wanted. He was an amazing Jew… he was no ordinary Jew… he was a Real Jew.
After that he spent several years making calculations. He discovered he did not possess the necessary knowledge, so he learnt everything he had to for solving his problem. And one day his work was accomplished. He came to a synagogue to talk to powerful God.
-Oh God. You know I was the first to have an idea to count the price of everything living under the Moon. I learnt statistics and accounting from Americans whose primary instinct is numbers, but who did not do what I did, an unknown Jew who will be remembered forever. Let me sell the globe to you, Lord. Let me be as great as you are. I deserve the title of a New Messiah!
The skies were silent for a moment in amazement. The Jew repeated his question and added with some irritation in his voice:
“Why. You do not want to strike the bargain?”
A jerk light appeared from behind the clouds and the astonished Voice asked:
“How much do you want?”
“Three billion diamonds.”
After a short pause, the Voice replied:
“So be it, you’ll have what you are longing for.”
One by one, diamonds, real diamonds, started falling onto the Jew, covering the ground all around him. The Jew picked one diamond up and lifted it to the level of his eyes, carefully examining and making sure if diamonds were no fake. These were sparkling little stones, so dear to the old unhappy man who was glad to sell the world to God for such a considerable payment. More and more stones fell from behind the clouds, covering more and more surface.
After a while, as the current of diamonds became more and more dense, they smoothly started turning into little water-drops. As consequence, there was a torrent of water from the raging skies, that were changing their color from brilliantly blue into gray and then from gray into dark black. The dirt was running down the streets of cities and towns all around the planet. Thus the Second Great Flood commenced. This was the last deal of God with a man.


Finale: Presto passionato

“Are you really sure you want that? Do you definitely consider yourself to be fully prepared?”
A man clad in black was scrutinizing the redheaded youngster standing tall in front of him with a passionate glow in his eyes. It seemed he was trying to persuade the youngster:
“This is damn dangerous. I find it logical to give you some more time to rethink my proposition.”
“No time to think. I have to be back to work. No desire to think. There is a lot more things to think about. You will not keep your promise, once you’ve gone. You will not return back.”
“Oh yes, I will. I assure you.”
The stranger tried to pull back the sleeve of his manteau, which the fellow was holding violently.
“No, wait. Give me what you promised and then go to hell if you want”, repeated the obstinate youngster.
“Well, of course, I will go there if it is where I come from. But why don’t you want to wait and to think? You should be aware that that is a point of no return.”
“Stop threatening me and do what you have to”, barked the youngster and shook his head.
“I repeat once more: nothing will save you, neither modern medicine, nor your prayers. Are you really sure it is an appropriate price for your art?”
“It is an appropriate price for the eternity.”
“Done then. Give me your ears and I will give you my Music. May be that would be the greatest mistake ever committed… You will be unhappy, you, crazy young Beethoven!”

14 February 2002. – Nizhny Novgorod (Russia)